“And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?…” — ROMANS 10:15
This verse is a wonderful representation of both the missionary and their support system. The Lord blesses some with the ability to give and provide for those He has called to go. For the harvest is plentiful and the workers are few. It is important that God’s people become involved in His work. We pray daily for those led to this site that they may hear His voice and support us or our missionaries as He leads. You can help in a number of ways.
Our mission is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world by assisting in developing, promoting and monitoring the work of our members and encouraging members and providing cost-effective financial services, training, and support to enable them to focus on their calling.
Pray for God’s protection of and anointing on each missionary, project leader, and Y.E.S. Board member and for the projects and activities as our members face daily opposition from Satan. You can become a formal prayer partner by completing the information form on the missionaries web-page.
Participation in a short-term mission trip so that God’s work may be accomplished. Become a formal financial partner either by completing the New Partner Information form or through the missionaries web-page.