Kathy Briner

- Location: Zellwood, Florida
- Sending Church: Cornerstone Family Church - FL
- Ministry Started: November 2008
- Duration: Full-Time
- Contact: 407-717-5545
Kathy has been involved in Women's ministry for over 30 yrs. serving in local churches, speaking at retreats and conferences, teaching bible studies and leading small discipleship groups in her home as well as online. She has also facilitated events including intentional creativity sessions designed to minister to their spirit and assist along with prayer ministry a creative connection to Holy Spirit that results in inner healing. Kathy is a certified Life Purpose Coach and received her certification after training under Katie Brazleton the founder and president at Life Purpose Coaching Centers International. Kathy and her husband Steve have four adult children, (Stephen, Amanda, Donna & Shawn) two Son-in-law's (Adam and Jason) two Daughter in-law's (Kiersten and Jenna) and 6 grandchildren, Shawn, Andre, Arya, Alice, Clarissa and Jacob.
MinistryThe specific calling God has on Kathy's life is to minister to Single Moms and Widows. taking to heart Jesus command to care for the orphans an widows as well as to go and make disciples, Kathy works with women to help them develop a deep and intimate relationship to Jesus Christ our Lord. She recognizes that this group of women and their children are at risk and often times find themselves in need of assistance just to meet life's most basic necessities. Most of them have a deep need for healthy community and a need to know they are not along and abandoned in this world. Connecting these women to the proper groups offering different types of assistance, for example grief share and divorce care as well as personally mentoring them in small bible study or discipleship groups or even one on one life coaching to help them replace the lies the enemy has fed them for so long with the truth found in God's word is a vital step to assisting them to find true wholeness and stability in their lives. Being able to live as the healthy and whole person God created them to be, results in breaking the generational bondage the enemy seeks to use to destroy them and their children. This new freedom allows them to live the abundant life Jesus came to give them!
Personal MessageWe are told in John 10:10 that "the enemy comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, Yet Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly". I am claiming this abundant life Jesus came to give is available to ALL who put our faith in Him! When we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness that all these things will be added unto us. (Matthew 6:33) It is my desire to help women understand that God does want to help them and He will... Helping to show them a process of learning to think differently so that they can live differently then others, when they "no longer conform to the patterns of this world and instead become transformed through the renewing of their minds. It is then they can test and discern what the pleasing and perfect will of God is". (Romans 12:2) and when they "trust in the Lord with all their hearts , and do not lean on their own understanding, and they acknowledge Him in all their ways, He will make their path straight". Proverbs 3:5-6 This will result in being able to live abundantly free, walking in true wholeness!