Chuck and Ann Tompkins

- Location: Ithaca, NY
- Sending Church:
- Ministry Started: February 2005
- Duration:
- Contact:
Chuck and Ann Tompkins plant the gospel and encourage the church in Ithaca, NY by working with students on the campuses of Cornell University, serving international students, facilitating inter-church unity, networking with various organizations both locally and regionally and providing leadership in different venues.
MinistryWe were in traditional pastoral ministry for over 34 years. We resigned from Bethel Grove Bible Church in Ithaca in February 2005 (after 20 years) to pursue a different calling. Passionate about bridging the gap between the gospel and community, we are intent on equipping and encouraging friends to live out the gospel among the lost, and to facilitate emerging small communities of faith that may gather anywhere or at any time. Our signature strength over the years has been to encourage others, prompting us to call ourselves The Barnabas Team--'encouraging others to get in the Way'. We work with students at Cornell University, serve on various boards and with several organizations, while facilitating a home gathering. Chuck aspires to write and coaches persons online.
Personal MessageGod has been faithful to meet our needs through friends who affirm our ministry and emphases. We feel confident that God has led for us to remain in Ithaca, building on the relational capital of many years. Chuck works part time to meet financial needs, though his primary passion is working with people. We are grateful to the Lord for whoever is able to be part of our financial support team.